Romantic relationships evolve over time. For many reasons, couples can experience challenging periods which may involve conflict, emotional withdrawal and disconnection, reduced intimacy, trust and boundary issues, or problematic communication. We strive to work collaboratively with couples to help them gain greater insight into their difficulties and rediscover their feelings of connection, mutual appreciation, and romantic fulfillment. We acknowledge how difficult it can be to talk about intimate and personal relationship issues – we adopt a non-judgemental approach that values each partner feeling heard and understood.
The goal of couples counselling is to help each partner to discover a reconnection with the other through exploring their own emotional needs. By connecting with their own feelings and emotional needs, partners develop better skills in understanding one another and communicating with each other. We respect however, that some couples may choose to no longer stay together, and we believe that counselling can help each person to better navigate the ending of a relationship should that be unavoidable.